Public Policy Impact
I was invited to speak at the European Data Protection Supervisor's workshop Europe Votes 2019: How to unmask and fight online manipulation (2019) [ View video ].
I was invited to speak to the European Parliament's Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) for a workshop called How to win Elections: Reflections on the use and misuse of technology in electoral campaigns. (2018) You can see my presentation below.
I was invited to the Bank of England to speak at their One Bank seminar series (2018).
I was invited to the European Parliament to present to the European Internet Foundation on the risks of big data. (2013). Listen to the Rapporteur's summary below:
Citations in Policy Documents
My research on big data links between social media and psychological traits was cited by:
The Data and Society Research Institute in a report called Weaponizing the digital influence machine - The political perils of online ad tech (October 2018) [ Link | PDF Copy ]
The EU Publications Office in a report called Background review for developing the digital competence framework for consumers (November 2016) [ Link | PDF Copy ]
The Australian Government Productivity Commission in a report called Digital Disruption: What do governments need to do? (June 2016) [ Link | PDF Copy ]
The EU Publications Office in a report called Privacy by design in big data (February 2016) [ Link ]
The World Bank in a report called World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends (January 2016) [ Link | PDF Copy ]
The European Data Protection Supervisor in a report called Meeting the Challenges of Big Data which calls for transparency, user control, and data protection by design and accountability. (July 2015) [ PDF Copy ]
The UK Competition and Markets Authority consultation on the commercial use of consumer data (June 2015) [ Link ]
The Dutch government in a report called More control by citizens of their personal data (March 2014) [ Link ]
The Australian Analysis and Policy Observatory in a report called, Social media and public policy: what is the evidence? (September 2013) [ Link ]
The Dutch government in a report called Cybersecuritybeeld Netherlands (July 2013) [ Link ]